10 Fall Season Books that are Worth the Read

Fall season is upon us! Which means it’s time for the best reads of the year. We’re entering a new reading phase that is going to be jam-packed with great stories and captivating characters, which makes it the perfect time to dive in. Fall season is known for bringing a plethora of books as well as some great standouts from the rest. Here are 10 fall season books you should read if you like suspense, mystery, and crime-based stories:



The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

You’ve probably heard about The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt before, but why not read it for yourself? The Goldfinch is one of those stories that will stick with you long after you read it. The novel follows an American boy who gets kidnapped in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, and the story follows his life after being taken hostage and returned to his family. This book has everything a suspenseful and captivating read needs, and will keep you on the edge of your seat while also allowing you to escape into another world. This book is one of those that once you start, you won’t want to stop. The Goldfinch is a great read for those looking for a novel that will transport you to another world.


The Nest by Cynthia D. Durrett

The Nest was one of those books that you read and then immediately think about what you’ve just read. The Nest is a book about a mother and her daughter, who are both estranged from their families and have to figure out what their relationships are with each other, and with the world. What makes this book stand out is that it is told from the daughter’s perspective, as she looks back at her life as an abused child, and how her relationship with her mother has affected her life and choices. What makes this book even more special is the way it’s written, which makes you feel like you’re reading the story from the perspective of the daughter, and not the mother. This book is a great read for those interested in coming to terms with their past and finding peace in their present and future relationships.


If You Find Me by Sarah Shaffar

If You Find Me is one of those books that will leave you wanting more and also have you unable to put it down. The story follows a daughter who tracks down the estranged father who has had no contact with her for years, and the journey she goes on to find him and understand her parents better. What makes this story stand out is the way the author combines memoir with mystery and suspense, which makes the story even more engaging. This book is a great read for anyone looking to escape into a story that will make you think about your relationship with your family and other people in your life in a new and intriguing way.


The Woman in Blue by Lisa Jackson

The Woman in Blue is one of those books that is filled with great detail, but has a fast pace that allows you to escape into the story quickly. The Woman in Blue is the story of a woman who goes undercover to infiltrate a cult, and the way it is written has a literary feel that makes it even more engaging. What makes this book stand out is the way the author combines suspense and mystery with a psychological thriller feel that makes it even more captivating and engaging. The Woman in Blue is a great read for those looking for a story that combines the best of what suspense and mystery books have to offer.


Broken Girls by Zoe Whittall

Broken Girls is a story about two girls with very different upbringings who reunite at a camp for juvenile delinquents, and when they realize they have similar experiences and find comfort in each other, it’s not long before they break the rules. What makes this book stand out is the way it combines adventure, action, romance, and even a little bit of humor into a story that is both captivating and engaging. Broken Girls is a great read for anyone looking for a story that will transport them to a bygone era of delinquency.


A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab

A Gathering of Shadows is the sequel to A Darker Shade of Magic, which is one of those books that everyone seems to have read and loved. The sequel follows the same characters, but this time they are on the run from the magician who is using his magic to kill them. What makes this book stand out is the way the author combines a fantasy story with a mystery and crime feel that makes it even more engaging. The sequel to one of the best reads of the year, A Gathering of Shadows is a great read for anyone looking for a sequel that is just as captivating as the original.


Darkest Mercy: An Onyx Courtesan novel by Kami Garcia and T. Renee Miller

Darkest Mercy follows the same two detectives of the Onyx Courtesan series, and this time they are investigating a possible serial killer of children. What makes this book stand out is the way it combines a story that has a lot of suspense with a psychological thriller feel that makes it even more engaging. The Darkest Mercy is a great read for those looking for a mystery with a serial killer feel that will keep you on the edge of your seat.


All the Feels: A Stephanie Plum Novel by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg

All the Feels is a novel that will have you laughing one minute and on the edge of your seat the next. The story follows Stephanie Plum, a bounty hunter who has a knack for getting into trouble, and the way the novel is written has a light-hearted feel to it that makes it even more entertaining than it already is. All the Feels is a great read for anyone looking for a lighthearted mystery and crime novel that will have you laughing one minute and on the edge of your seat the next.


The Last Time We Say Goodbye: A Rosamond Cole Novel by M.L. Francavilla, Anna Travis, and Lee Goldberg

The Last Time We Say Goodbye is the sequel to The Story of my Heart, and is another great book to read if you liked the first one. The sequel follows Rosamond as she navigates her life after her best friend Daisy died, and the way the novel is written has a very poetic feel to it that makes it even more engaging than the first one. The Last Time We Say Goodbye is a great read for anyone looking for a sequel that continues to captivate and transport you into another world. 

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